Messen & Konferenzen

8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility

The 8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility on "Responsible Leadership in Times of Transformation" will take place in Cologne from November 14 to 16, 2018.


8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility zoom

Since its founding in 2004, the Humboldt-CSR-Conference series has served as a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and has become Europe’s leading CSR and Sustainability conference. This year, the conference will be organized and hosted by the Center for Advanced Sustainable Management (CASM) at the Cologne Business School (CBS), in cooperation with the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the Hamburg School of Business Administration. CBS and CASM will also be hosting the 5th Responsible Management Education Research Conference (RME) from November 12 to 13, 2018.


The conference’s success and its increasing relevance is not only reflected in the growing number of delegates, but also, and most importantly, in the breadth and calibre of the participants. The conference has become a must-attend for leading academics, executives, and policymakers that seek to better understand the role of CSR and Sustainability in today’s increasingly complex and globalized economy. More than 500 leading scientists, leaders, policymakers and representatives of civil society organizations from 40+ nations will come together to discuss key business issues and to develop solutions to major societal challenges.

The program will cover the following topics: Responsible Leadership, Business Transformation, Creativity & Design, Innovation Management, Entre- & Intrapreneurship, Digitalization & Technology, Social Innovation, Innovation in Leadership and Education & Training.

Amongst others, the conference will be featuring high-level CSR experts such as John Elkington, R. Edward Freeman, Wayne Visser, Lize A.E. Booysen and Ernst von Weizsäcker as keynote speakers.

Quelle: UD/pm

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