Messen & Konferenzen

Rifkin: How to create value at lower cost through innovation?

For the third edition of the International Summit of Cooperatives, which will be held in Quebec (Canada) from October 11 to 13, 2016, the eminent innovation and leadership advisor Navi Radjou and the world-renowned economist, prospectivist and influential political advisor to many world governments Jeremy Rifkin will propose new growth strategies to mitigate the limitations of the traditional capitalist system.


The two world-famous speakers will present their vision of the impact of innovative technologies on the emergence of a new and more socially and environmentally responsible economic model. Their communications will captivate any player in the business community who is interested in alternate ways of creating value and sustainable economic development.

Navi Radjou: Frugal Innovation: How to Do More with Less

Navi Radjou is a strategic consultant, based in Palo Alto in California’s Silicon Valley. A Fellow at Cambridge Judge Business School, he has served on the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Design Innovation and contributes to Harvard Business Review online. He won the 2013 Thinkers 50 Innovation Award for his frugal innovation strategy, which consists of addressing a well-defined need in the simplest and most efficient manner using minimum resources. Inspired by affordable solutions found by entrepreneurs from emerging countries, he explores the possibilities offered by this daring approach for Western countries, particularly for cooperatives.

Jeremy Rifkin: Towards a New Economic Model

An American prospective essayist and President of the Foundation on Economic Trends, based in Bethesda, Maryland, Jeremy Rifkin believes that the economic model resulting from the Second Industrial Revolution is no longer viable and that countries must redirect their economies to restore growth and employment. The author of "The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things", "the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism" believes that new realities, such as the development of renewable energy, the technology and the emergence of an economy based on sharing of goods, spaces and tools, will soon overturn the ways things are done while drastically reducing the margin cost of production.

Over the next few years, innovation and technology will inevitably be at the heart of growth. In this spirit, the Summit will also discuss major issues, such as the culture of innovation, the work in the digital era and the use of big data. Conferences and forums will enlighten cooperatives and businesses about the most effective ways to adapt to these new realities.

The International Summit of Cooperatives

The International Summit of Cooperatives is the global reference event for business development in the cooperative and mutualist community. It offers managers, decision-makers and heads of cooperatives and mutuals of all sizes in every sector, and every player in the business world, a unique place for reflection, discussion, concerted action and training regarding the dominant trends and current and future economic and financial issues. By proving that the cooperative business model is one of the answers to the great socioeconomic issues of our time, the Summit seeks to promote and foster the development of cooperative enterprise in every country. The event draws over 3,000 participants from 93 countries.

Quelle: UD/pm

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