Europäischer Entwicklungsbericht 2013 (ERD) wird in Deutschland präsentiert

Der "ERD 2013" ist der europäische Beitrag zur Diskussion um die internationalen Entwicklungsziele, die auf die UN-Millenniumserklärung, die im Jahr 2015 ausläuft, folgen sollen. Der Bericht identifiziert Faktoren, die für eine nachhaltige und gesamtheitliche Entwicklung in den ärmsten Ländern der Welt entscheidend sind und definiert welche Rolle die Europäische Union bei der Umsetzung einnehmen könnte; zudem sind vier Länderstudien (Elfenbeinküste, Nepal, Peru, Ruanda) enthalten. Der Bericht wurde bereits am 9. April 2013 in Brüssel vorgestellt. Es folgen drei weitere Termine in Deutschland, bei denen das Deutsche Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) die Ergebnisse der Studie präsentiert und diskutiert.


Foto: Europäische Commission/C. Lambiotte
Foto: Europäische Commission/C. Lambiotte
The “2013 European Report on Development (ERD)” deals with Post-2015 development priorities. On 9 April 2013, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) and German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) officially launched the report with European Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs in Brussels. In Germany, DIE and partners will present and discuss the ERD 2013 at several occasions in May and June 2013.

The ERD 2013 is entitled “Post-2015: Global Action for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future”. It addresses the debate on the post-2015 global development agenda and considers the main challenges for a sustainable future, including Europe’s contribution to this new international framework. The ERD 2013 identifies key potential drivers in order to tackle poverty in the poorest countries in an inclusive and sustainable manner. It highlights three of them: flows of money (development finance), flows of goods (trade) and flows of people (migration). The analysis of the report is enriched by four country case studies (Ivory Coast, Nepal, Peru, Rwanda) prepared by local research institutes. The studies also reflect the experiences of developing countries with international development goals. Based on these studies, the report generated recommendations for global collective action in the context of the post-2015 agenda and directly addresses the European Union.

Four key conclusions of the ERD 2013 are:

The post-2015 agenda should go “beyond MDGs” and “beyond aid” by emphasizing a transformative agenda that takes into account economic and social transformations as well as creating employment, addressing inequality and finding sustainable solutions at the same time.

National ownership and a stronger attention to the relationship between global goals and national needs and targets play key roles.

Global collective action has to be scaled up; this also means that richer countries should enhance Policy Coherence for Development and increase both the level and the effectiveness of aid.

A new post-2015 framework should also consider the instruments to be used to achieve the goals and not only the new goals themselves. On three dates in April, May and June 2013, the report will be presented by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Germany. On 11 April 2013 it had already been discussed within the context of the Bonner Impulse.
Quelle: UD / fo

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